Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 03/01/25

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 02/01/25

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 01/01/25

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 12/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 11/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 10/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 09/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 08/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 07/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 06/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 05/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 04/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 03/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 02/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 01/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 12/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 11/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 10/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 09/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 08/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 07/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 06/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 05/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 04/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 03/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 02/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 01/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 12/01/22

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 11/01/22

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 10/01/22

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Mississippi law affecting default legal work in Mississippi since our prior update. Foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 07/12/21

There are no longer any restrictions due to COVID.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 05/11/21

Governor Reeves signed Executive Order 1551 on April 30, 2021, in which mask mandates were removed, and instead, all persons were encouraged to follow CDC guidelines. This Executive Order is to remain in place until repealed or amended. Guidelines are set out in Executive Order 1551, and businesses were encouraged to make good faith efforts to follow those guidelines. Face coverings are still required for the remainder of the 2020-2021 academic year in all school buildings and classrooms, with limited exceptions. This requirement for schools will expire on May 31, 2021. Local county and municipalities are allowed to require more stringent guidelines. The State Health Officer in consultation with the Governor’s office is authorized to issue such additional orders as are necessary to restrict the transmission of COVID-19. Jury trials have resumed in most of the civil courts in the State of Mississippi, and there are no state imposed moratoriums in effect for either foreclosures or evictions.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 02/24/21

Governor Reeves signed Executive Order 1543 on February 3, 2021, extending the Safe Recovery Order through March 3, 2021. The Order extends the mask mandate imposed on all but seven of Mississippi’s 82 counties through March 3, 2021. Jury trials have resumed in most of the civil courts in the State of Mississippi, and there are no state imposed moratoriums in effect for either foreclosures or evictions.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 11/19/20

The Safe Recovery Order instituted in Executive Order 1525 (9/30/2020), was extended on 11/17/2020, and permits the resumption of all community activities subject to reasonable limitations, until December 11, 2020, unless it is modified amended, or rescinded prior to that time. There are currently masks mandates and limitations on person to person contact in 22 counties of Mississippi as of November 17, 2020. Jury trials have resumed in most of the civil courts in the State of Mississippi, and there are no state imposed moratoriums in effect for either foreclosures or evictions.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 08/04/20

On July 23, 2020, the Mississippi Supreme Court issued an Order requiring that all persons entering courtrooms shall be masked at all times, unless the judge uses his/her discretion to permit temporary removal to insure the accuracy of the proceedings. Judges continue to be allowed discretion in controlling dockets. Trials are allowed to continue, with court proceedings limited to attorneys, parties, witnesses, bailiffs, and other necessary persons and staff, as determined by the trial judge. Courts may limit the number of persons summoned for jury duty to the minimum necessary. Further, judges have been granted the authority to extend juror age exceptions to persons 60 or older. Courts are encouraged to limit in-person contact by utilizing available technologies, including electronic filing, teleconferencing, and videoconferencing. On July 30, 2020, Governor Reeves issued Executive Order No. 1515, which extends the safe return restrictions and social distancing guidelines, while also imposing facial masks requirements in numerous counties. This is set to expire on August 17, 2020, unless otherwise extended. There are currently no state imposed restrictions on foreclosures or evictions in the State of Mississippi.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 05/22/20

On May 7, 2020, the Mississippi Supreme Court issued an Order allowing in person hearings to resume, and that in counties with two or fewer reported deaths attributed to COVID-1 as of May 7, 2020, judges may instruct clerks to issue jury summonses returnable on or after May 18, 2020. In other counties, jury summonses are not to be returnable prior to June 15, 2020. On May 14, 2020, Governor Reeves issued Executive Order No. 1484, directs state agencies, boards, commissions, counties, and other state and local entitles to begin the process of returning employees back to work, and sunsets evictions suspensions on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. Governor Reeves also issued Executive Order no. 1486 on May 15, 2020, which opened additional businesses and loosened restrictions on certain activities. There are no restrictions on foreclosures in Mississippi. We expect additional updates before May 25, 2020.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 05/14/20

On May 8, 2020, the Safer at Home Order was amended and extended by Governor Reeves, and shall remain in effect until May 25, 2020. Additional businesses were allowed to reopen, with restrictions, under this Order. Further, Governor Reeves announced on May 13, 2020 that evictions may resume as of June 1, 2020. There are no restrictions on foreclosures in Mississippi.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 04/17/20

On April 24, 2020, Governor Tate Reeves of Mississippi, executed Executive Order 1477, referred to as a “Safer at Home” order, effective from Monday April 27, 2020, through 8:00 a.m. on Monday May 11, 2020. All evictions, pursuant to Section I. (e) of Executive Order 1477 continue to be suspended for the duration of the Order. There are not any types of foreclosure moratoriums in Governor Reeves’ Order(s).
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 04/17/20

On April 17, 2020, the original shelter in place Order entered on April 1, 2020, by Governor Tate Reeves of Mississippi, Executive Order 1466, was extended until April 27, 2020. All evictions, pursuant to Section I (c) continue to be suspended for the duration of the Order. There are not any types of foreclosure moratoriums in Governor Reeves’ Order(s).
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 04/01/20

Governor Tate Reeves of Mississippi, issued Executive Order 1466, which expressly provides in Section I (c) that evictions are suspended for the duration of the Order, which is set to expire on April 20, 2020, unless extended. There was not a moratorium placed on foreclosures in Governor Reeves’ Order.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –
Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Mississippi state update provided by Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC
Posted: 03/25/20

Mississippi courts and clerks’ offices remain open and operational at this time. However, the determination as to whether to hold in court-hearings and trials that will involve less than 50 people is to be made at the discretion of each individual judge beginning on March 15, 2020 and extending through at least May 15, 2020. Trials or hearings that would necessitate gatherings of 50 people or more during the same time period are prohibited via Mississippi Supreme Court Order. No filing deadlines that are set to expire during this period have been extended at this time. All bankruptcy hearings are continuing as previously scheduled, but are being held telephonically in both districts.
Mississippi presently has no state-specific moratoriums in place with regard to default servicing such as foreclosures, evictions, or collections cases. Mississippi law firms must adhere to the foreclosure and eviction moratoriums that have been set by the federal government.
Post by – Kent McPhail and Associates, LLC –