Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 03/01/25

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 02/01/25

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 01/01/25

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 12/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 11/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 10/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 09/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 08/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 07/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 06/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 05/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 04/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 03/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 02/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 01/01/24

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 12/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 11/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 10/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 09/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 08/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 07/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 06/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 05/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 04/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 03/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 02/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 01/01/23

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 12/01/22

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 11/01/22

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 09/15/22

There have been no substantial or even minor changes to Louisiana law affecting default legal work in Louisiana since our prior update in 2020. Louisiana’s foreclosure and bankruptcy processes remain the same with the exception of any national changes that have occurred.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 11/19/20

In Louisiana there are no State Mandated Foreclosure moratorium.   We are proceeding on vacant and abandoned properties.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 10/15//20

There remain no state moratoriums or court delays or other issues. Once the federal moratoriums are lifted, all cases will be able to proceed with no issues.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 9/16//20

We are on hold until 12-31 like everyone else however, we are filing foreclosures on vacant properties as there is no State imposed moratorium

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 08/5/20

Louisiana remains with no state or local moratoriums on foreclosures. On those cases that are able to move forward (vacant, etc), the sheriff has begun to reschedule foreclosure sales and courts are allowing pleadings to be filed.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 06/16/20

Louisiana is under no moratorium however the GSE voluntary hold is being recognized by all lenders.  July 5th is the date the State should come out of the emergency declaration and then the Sheriffs will begin rescheduling sales. The Sheriff’s universally have interpreted the Governor’s emergency order as imposing a stay on foreclosures although the emergency order does not state that.  

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 05/12/20

Louisiana Governor announced that Phase One to re-open the state will begin on May 16th, with businesses allowed to return (some at reduced capacity) to operations. We anticipate that the courts will move towards having more staff on site as this progresses, and hearings will be rescheduled. Bankruptcy courts in Louisiana have transitioned to telephonic and video conferences and anticipate that to continue for the time being. The sheriff’s will begin to hold foreclosure sales again as well. This timeline coincides with the GSE moratoriums also expiring on the 18th.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 04/23/20

Governor Jon Bel Edwards extended Louisiana’s Stay at Home order until May 15th, and at that time, we anticipate a phased re-opening of the state, with the sheriffs beginning to reset foreclosure sales.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 04/23/20

Louisiana courts and clerk’s remain open and operational (some with limited staff and hours). While the Governor has extended the Stay at Home order until April 30th, there is no State moratorium of foreclosure or eviction actions, other than those imposed by the GSE’s.  All non-emergency hearings in civil court are postponed, and the bankruptcy courts are holding telephonic hearings at this time.

Post by – Hello Solutions

Hello solutions

Louisiana state update

Posted: 04/01/20

The State of Louisiana has issued a Shelter in Place order for the entire state. Under the Governor’s order, our firm is considered an essential business (providing services to financial institutions) and is still able to operate. Although the GSE’s have varying moratoriums on foreclosure actions, most courts are working with reduced staff and hours, so pleadings are still able to be filed where applicable. Most Bankruptcy court hearings are proceeding telephonically, whereas Civil hearings are being postponed until the shelter in place order is lifted and it’s safe to resume hearings. Many sheriff’s offices are following the same protocol and postponing sheriffs sales due to safety, and service of process is slowed for the same reasons. The State of Louisiana has not issued any foreclosure or eviction moratoriums at this time. We expect that once this health situation has subsided, the courts will resume normal activities and reset hearings.

Post by – Hellosolutions